Drug-Free, Non-Surgical Treatments


Acupuncture Session

Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites--commonly referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints.  Modern scientific research has demonstrated that acupuncture can activate multiple biological responses through nerve stimulation, which includes releasing natural anti-inflammatories and pain killers from our own body, regulating neural transmitters and natural hormone production associated with pain relief, managing symptoms, and balancing hormone production and immune responses to enhance healing.


Acupressure Massage

Acupressure is a form of massage therapy that involves applying pressure to certain points on the body to address ailments.  It’s beneficial to muscle tensions, pain relief, the immune system, and digestion support.  Studies have suggested it may help fight back pain, menstrual cramps, and headaches.  Acupressure has similar effects to acupuncture, but can be taught to be self-applied to prolong the healing effects of treatment.


Facial Rejuvenation

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a virtually painless, non-surgical procedure that can restore youthful beauty to your face. It can reduce wrinkles, fine lines, puffiness, and facial sagging and discoloration. It can also reduce eye bags, droopy eyelids, and double chins. Treatments have been known to improve hormonal balance, delay the hair loss and graying associated with aging, even improve the quality of sleep. Refined, tested, and perfected over the course of thousands of years, acupuncture is a natural, non-invasive method of addressing both the outward symptoms of aging and its internal causes.


Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which special cups are put on your skin for a few minutes to create suction.  It’s beneficial for improving blood circulation, pain, inflammation, dermatological issues, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage. 


Qigong Healing

Qigong healing is a subtle energy-based bodywork technique for healing and preventing diseases, using the electromagnetic field to induce the body’s self-healing process.  A compelling body of research has also shown the benefits of Qigong for a very wide range of health conditions including, but not limited to; physical function, balance, immune function, inflammatory responses, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, stress, microcirculation, allergies, neuromuscular disorders, and anxiety.  Combined with acupuncture, it produces a powerful and long-lasting therapeutic effect.



Physical Therapy

We offer manual physical therapy and exercise coaching to help restore muscle imbalances. Manual physical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy delivered with the hands as opposed to a device or machine. In manual therapy, practitioners use their hands to put pressure on muscle tissue and manipulate joints in an attempt to decrease back pain caused by muscle spasms, muscle tension, and joint dysfunctions.

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