Conditions we treat


Internal conditions

Internal conditions have a wide spectrum of symptoms relating to the nervous systems, organs, immune system, and hormones.  Using the meridian system from Traditional Chinese medicine, we identify the blockage from any meridian that causes the internal conditions and restore it to its prime state.

This includes addictions, allergies, asthma, Bell’s palsy, digestive issues such as acid reflux and constipation, stress symptoms such as migraine headaches, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety.


Woman’s health

Menstrual issues

Acupuncture encourages the blood to flow more freely, helping to regulate cycles and alleviate the cramps, headaches, and other pains often associated with menstruation.


Endometriosis and an irregular menstrual cycle are both key factors in female infertility. Acupuncture treatments direct blood flow to the reproductive organs and help regulate menstrual cycles.

Hormonal regulation

We stimulate the endocrine system and reduce stress to induce the body's natural ability, bringing hormones back to balance.


Pain relief

Pain is caused by damaged blood and energy circulation. Whether it’s caused by stress, muscle knots, poor posture, or old age, Acupuncture can help release the blockage and restore the body’s normal functions pain-free.

 This includes sports injuries and muscular pain, joint pain, carpal tunnel, numb shoulders, neuralgia, work/auto-related injuries.